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You are getting sleepy, very sleepy! Or not…

  • Post published:April 27, 2020

You spend ⅓ of your life sleeping, so shouldn’t you be making the most of it?

Our Very Sleepy Gumdrops contain the natural sleep aid melatonin that helps you fall asleep easily and naturally. These gumdrops pair perfectly with the Very Sleepy Skin Stick. Using aromatherapy, this skin stick combines soothing lavender and chamomile to relieve stressed skin while calming your mind so you can prepare for sleep

We added these to our bedtime routine and it has made such a difference!

My husband used to have a hard time going to and staying asleep, even with using his CPAP machine. When Posh introduced the Very Sleepy Gummies, he started taking two each night right before he laid down in bed along with swiping the Sleepy Stick on pressure points. He has started falling asleep within 10 mins and tends to sleep all night. He said that he feels more rested in the mornings now.

I started taking two at the same time, but felt like I was groggy the next morning, especially if I did not get at least 8 hours of sleep. I cut back to one gummy every night (plus using the stick) and that seems to be the sweet spot for me! I wake up refreshed and ready for the day, no grogginess!!

We are the biggest skeptics ever, but both of us totally recommend BOTH products! Our kids have used them when they’ve had trouble falling asleep and were knocked out within 20 minutes.

You can have a set of your own for $35 shipped directly to you! That is a savings of $8 from our regular prices. Let me know if I can order for you!!!

Ask me all of the questions!

To read all of the information on these (including ingredients), the links will be in the first comment. Click “Contact Me” using the Subject ‘Very Sleepy’ to receive the sale price plus free shipping.

#melatonin #sleepy #sleep #catchsomezzzz